"Mommy! Please wipe my bottom!"
"Miss Tiff - he hit me!"
"May I be excused please?"
"Could you please help me wash my hands?"
"I want more pancakes!"
"Whoops! Kubby spilled his milk!"
I rush from task to task, all the while running down the mental checklist, trying to ignore Zari's cries for food since she just ate at 6 and for Pete's sake its only 7:48 am!
"Love is patient; love is kind; Lord, give me STRENGTH!" My constant prayers cycle through my head along with my checklist as one by one I deal with each childs needs and begin cleaning up from breakfast.
This is my day...RUSHING!!!!!! Where do we as moms find QUIET? Where do we find PEACE? Where do we find GOD?
Jeremiah 29:12-13
"Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me and I WILL LISTEN TO YOU. You will search for me. And when you search for me you will find me. I will let you find me," says the Lord.
Ahhhh....devotions. You know what fellow mommys - you HAVE TO MAKE TIME!!!!! Get up earlier! Ridiculous I know - you got to bed at 11:30, were up 10 times with the baby, and have someone pulling on your leg at 6:20. I know! I understand! And yet.....
"He who fails to seek God in the morning, will scarcely find Him the rest of the day." Unknown
How do we balance everything? How do we not only get those kids ready, out the door if need be, keep a clean house, prepare healthy (or instant ;P) meals, teach and train our children in the way they should go, give our husband a little lovin', get the shopping / homework / sports done?
We cant!
Unless we have a little bit of extra power! You cannot do everything you need to do - with a smile on your face and in your heart, being an example to those little eyes and ears that absorb everything.
Guess what - I - Me - Tiffany - Struggle with alot of things. Every day. I have a mouth that spouts whatever feeling or emotion that pops into my head. I am extremely jealous and a little insecure. Although sometimes overly confident. I deal with pride. I want to be the pefect wife, mother and daycare provider, but not always for the right reasons. Sometimes I just want to hear people say, "Wow!You're awesome!"
The truth? Sometimes I make fantastic meals for a week. Homemade rolls, homemade mashed potatoes, soup, etc.... then I get sick of cooking and will make mac & cheeze, and have absolutely no ideas for a few days! ;P The truth? Sometimes I loose it with my kids and say really negative things to them.
The truth? My husband is much more self sacrificing and unselfish than I can ever hope to be.
I have a temper, I have a critical tongue, I have high expectations of myself and everyone around me. I can be petty and judgemental.
And yet....I am growing! Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, as a wife and mother. So I am going to start this blog to detail my growth, my struggles and also the humor every day that defines my life.
"However, if I fail to get my heart in order first, I am guaranteeing myself a misplaced attitude that day. Hands down. Without exception. If I don't spend time with Jesus, my reactions will be harsher, my perspectives a little more self-centered, my emotions a little more on edge and my tongue a little less grace-filled." Lysa Terkeurst - Prov 31 Ministries
Somehow, I managed to get 8 little bodies dressed, fed and wiped. Somehow I managed to impart some lessons about numbers, ABC's, time and God. Somehow we managed to play outside, clean up the toys, and have story time. Somehow lunch got on the table, be it PB & J! Somehow the dishes got into the dishwasher and a load of laundry found its way into the washer. And I am smiling as I begin this thing known as "blogging."
Soon my husband will get home and everything will get a little less crazy - or more crazy - depending on his mood! :-) Sometimes things get pretty rowdy!
PS - To those of you who are wondering where all those kiddos are - they do have some quiet time during the afternoon. Some nap and some read. All rest!
Welcome to blogger! Great post Tiffany...I struggle with the SAME things. Hey, if you want a cute background for your blog, go here. It's where I got my background and they're easy to install.
I'll be following you if you have it enabled on your blog.